Walk and Talk Therapy
Open mind, open ears, and open sky
The therapeutic qualities of combining movement and the natural world, allowing oneself to be permeated with fresh air and exercise, into the therapy sessions to enhance your experience; is a great alternative to in-office, and telehealth visits. According to Diethelm (2020), this outdoor approach can make it easier for some individuals to discuss their feelings and “open up.” You may prefer to move or walk as opposed to sitting across from me in the office or looking through a screen or talking over the phone. If you are a teenager, active adult, a person who finds it difficult to sit still, and/or have issues making eye contact, walk-and-talk therapy and the physical motion it encapsulates as well as the encouragement of psychological movement, can even expedite breakthroughs according to Diethelm (2020); as well as leaving the session refreshed and energized throughout the body and the mind. Let us have a discussion regarding whether this is something we should incorporate into your therapeutic regimen.
Diethelm, L (2020, July) Is Walk-and-Talk Therapy Right for Your Practice? Simple Practice. Retrieved from simplepractice.com/blog/walk-and-talk therapy
NOTICE: Walk and talk therapy requires additional Consent form (HERE)